Worthen with Shelve Parish Council


Reference Applicant Application Date Proposal Status
17/05226/FUL Messrs Plummer & Jones 13th November 2017 Erection of open-market dwelling Granted
Proposed Dwelling South Of Cedric House Crows Nest Snailbeach Shropshire
17/05052/FUL Mr R Archer 6th November 2017 Demolition of parts of existing dwelling and erection of extensions, erection... Awaiting decision
Hope Park House Hope Park Minsterley Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/04924/FUL Mr And Mrs Jaques 1st November 2017 Separation of holiday let/annexe from existing dwelling to form additional... Granted
Holly House 11 Bromlow Minsterley Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/05244/OUT Mr A Jones 30th October 2017 Erection of open-market dwelling and garage (outline application with all... Refused
The Lyde Bromlow Minsterley Shropshire
17/05000/FUL Mr David Cocks 13th October 2017 To install roof onto existing carport structure Granted
Ladycoat Manor Worthen Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/04712/FUL Mr Stuart Gittins 6th October 2017 Erection of agricultural building Granted
Proposed Agricultural Building Little Worthen Shropshire
17/04533/FUL Mrs Elizabeth Blakeway 6th October 2017 Change of use of residential annexe to holiday let Granted
The Annexe At Greenfield Cottage 7 The Lyde Bromlow Minsterley Shropshire
17/04576/FUL Mr Colin King 5th October 2017 Erection of glass conservatory and replacement window to french doors Granted
Oak Edge 14 Gravels Minsterley Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/04848/TCA Mr Marc Illman 4th October 2017 To crown reduce by 60% one Copper Beech Tree, to fell one ornamental Cherry... No Objection
Mulberry Cottage 41 Snailbeach Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/04504/DIS Mr D Stacey 4th October 2017 Discharge Conditions 3 (materials), 4 (roof frame repairs), 5 (roof detailing... Granted
Proposed Barn Conversions At Bromlow Hall Farm Bromlow Minsterley Shropshire
